So, I haven't blogged lately because, really, there's nothing to report. I have been officially on the
wait list for over 6 months and I'm not sure how much longer it will be. I'm hoping February but it will likely be longer than that. If I let myself, and I
occasionally do, I can really get down about it. I miss my
punkin and I want them home with me. I
suppose for many it's difficult to imagine missing someone you don't even know but for me, it's really true. So instead of having another pity party, I'm going to list things that I am grateful for. Warning:
These are not likely to be profound.
1. A brother-in-law named Kevin who can and will fix my computer for free when it's broken or when it's not really broken but I
some how managed to mess something up.
2. A brother-in-law named Dennis who comes down and fixes stuff for me without thinking I'm a huge pain in the butt(we all know I'm a small pain in the butt).
3. A niece named Sarah who called me on the eve of the election to hear my stance on Prop. 8 which was the
ballot question in California to ban same sex marriage. I have never heard a child so articulately express her opinion on a pretty complex matter. While we shared the same opinion(to legalize same sex marriage) I found it refreshing how she was able to debate the question with people who differed in their opinion and still be respectful. She's an extraordinary girl.
4. A nephew named Nate who loves all Boston sports and has a wicked sense of humor and a heart as deep as the ocean and as big as the tallest mountain. I love that boy.
5. Music. I love pretty much all types of music except for
Gregorian chant. I am especially digging Jason
Mraz these days. Actually, the title of this blog is a play on one of his songs. His song curbside prophet has a line in it titled waiting for my rocket to come. I changed it to
punkin and I sing it
every time I log onto this blog.
6. A sister Kate who makes me coffee and reduced fat
Cinnamon rolls on Monday night while we watch the Big Bang Theory, which, for the record is the best
show on TV.
7. A friend named Karen who struck up a conversation in the middle of Disney World with a woman who adopted a little boy from Ethiopia, and then politely grilled her for information. Not everyone has friends who would do that.
YouTube. Self-explanatory!
9. A job I love. In tough economic times, I'm just grateful to have a job, but especially grateful to have a job that I love, feel challenged in and have the opportunity to help someone fund their education.
10. A sister named Amy who calls me in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner at her California family's house to ask me who sang "To Sir, With Love". It's
LuLu in case you were wondering. She thinks I'm her human
juke box and I get a big chuckle out of her calling me at random times and saying, hey, who sings.........
Actually, this was kind of fun. I think I'll try this again some time.
In the meantime, if you're looking for a good cause and a fun pair of shoes, go to