So first, I would like to thank everyone for their love and words of encouragement. They were very appreciated and really healped to give me perspective on things. It really made me feel so much better.
Today was a busy day for us. I took the day off because we had two appointments. The first was with Dr. Miller at the International Adoption Clinic and the second was our second post placement appointment at WHFC.
The appointment with Dr. Miller went really well. She only gained a couple more ounces since the weight check and Dr. Miller agrees that we need to see the GI doctor and a nutritional specialist. So we're doing that in the middle of April. She was really great in reassuring me that I'm doing all that I can and other than the weight, she is really excelling. She is 27 inches which is great and her head circumfrence is good too so that means her brain is growing. When we went to see Dr. Miller for the first time in December, Grace was measured as between a 5-8 month old in most categories. Today she measured at or beyond the 12 month level in every area except gross motor where she measured at 10 months. It's honestly amazing to see how much she has progressed in just 4 months. She went from being a rag doll to a crawling machine. She rolls, she crawls, she sits up, she claps, waves and plays peak-a-boo all on her own. She says three words, momma, bye,bye and uh-oh. She can follow simple instructions and she babbles like crazy. Her personality is really coming out and she is such an engaging child. I am so proud of her and I love her more than words can express.
Our second meeting was a post-adoption follow-up with our social worker Deb at WHFC. We went into the office in Waltham and not only did we see our social worker but we also got to see some of the Africa team that helped bring Grace to me. One of the social workers had met Grace when she was in Ethiopia for a training. That was during the time that Grace was on a feeding tube. She couldn't get over the difference between the fragile little baby she saw then and the perky little almost toddler that she saw today. It really helped me to remember that her progress is remarkable.
So on Monday I will officially be the mother of a one year old. My Gracie Lito will be one on Monday. I can't believe it. We're having her birthday party a week from Saturday and I am very excited. It won't be a huge bash but my beloved friends Andrea and Rob are coming in from Ohio for the weekend to meet Grace and I just can't wait.
On Saturday we're going to have Grace's one year/Easter pictures. I can't wait to see how they turn out.