I suppose you're wondering why I have baby clothes when I don't know who is coming yet. Well, there are two reasons. 1. A couple of months ago I just couldn't stand it anymore and I had to buy SOMETHING so I went to the outlets in Kittery and bought some things in several different sizes. I got ridiculously good deals on it. 2. Anything I bought that I can't use will be donated to the orphanage. I will be taking two large bins of clothing/supplies to donate and nothing will go to waste.
You'll also notice that the Punkin has 4 stuffed animals. The lobster was a gift from Aunt Brenda and Uncle Bill from their honeymoon to Maine. (Brenda was one of my college roommates and a life long friend). The giraffe was the first thing I bought for the punkin back in February. The Tigger is from Meghan and Jacob because they were in Target one day and just needed to buy a present for the baby. The elephant is from Disney World. I went there in July for a conference and since I didn't know what size to buy I bought a stuffed animal. Those always fit.

The books....well, you just can't have enough books. I actually have quite a few children's books I've collected over the years but I wanted the punkin to have some of their own books that haven't already been loved and chewed to death. I especially love Ezra Jack Keats. I think the book collection will be expanding very quickly because books always fit too.
The Picture frame and door hanging were the first baby gifts I got. They're from Auntie Kate and Uncle Dennis. I look at that frame every time I need a reality check. The wait has been hard but it will be so worth it when I have a picture of that beautiful little face to go in it.

And my apologies to Auntie Amy, as I forgot to take a picture of the sea world shirt. But trust me, it's cute!
So I've narrowed the girls names to five possibilities. Maggie is still a contender but not a slam dunk. I also love Grace, Emma, Hannah(forgive me AuntNancy but I do love the name)and Rebecca. Leave me a comment and let me know which one you love. Middle name will be Elizabeth.
As of Friday I have 3 months down and who knows how many more to go.