It seems like I've been waking up each morning to another email! Makes for a happy sister! The internet (dial-up)seems most stable in the evening for them, which is morning for me.
Today's letter told me of their Embassy appointment. It went very well and their case was approved!! Grace should receive her VISA later in the week. Later that night they were attending a cultural dinner. Both Kate and Beth were looking forward to it.
Beth mentioned that Grace is such a sweet heart! She is so thrilled at how well she is adjusting to her. She is on the tiny side -- Beth said more on the side of a 4 or 5 month old. Beth was able to get her to take 5 oz. at one feeding which was the most she had eaten since she got there. The nannies were very surprised and pleased! Grace enjoys the baby sling that Beth brought. It will also be helpful for getting through the airports!
Tuesday (which is already today for Beth and Kate) they will be traveling to meet Grace's birth family. I am sure it will be emotional, but it so important to Beth. I know Kate looks forward to supporting her.
Until the next email.....