So this weekend I was at a baby shower for my friend Brenda. It was a great weekend and I was happy to help her celebrate the pending arrival of her baby boy. While at the shower she mentioned that I was adopting from Ethiopia and people were very excited for me. However, a number of people asked me if I was adopting because of Madonna. This isn't the first time I've been asked this but each time it makes me crazy. Why on earth would I make my life's decisions based on what a celebrity does? She is adopting from Malawi and I know nothing about the processes in that country nor do I know what her motives are because I don't know her. I can tell you that 99.9% of the people that adopt do not wake up in the morning and think hey, it's Tuesday, think I'll have eggs and grapefruit for breakfast run to Target and then go adopt a child. If anything, I think Madonna took her plans to adopt from me. After all, I have spent the past seven years of my life putting myself into a position where I could provide a loving and stable home for a child. I have done the finger printing, the classes, the home studies, read every book I can get my hands on. I've dreamed and planned for and loved this child I don't even know yet and I didn't do it on a whim. And lets face it, when have I ever done anything on a whim? Me and spontaneity are like Brussels sprouts and peanut butter. It's interesting to think about but you probably won't attempt it. None of the people who said something meant any ill will. I know that. But international adoption has been happening for years. It's been a part of my family for over 30 years and just because a celebrity does it doesn't make it a fad. OK. Rant over.
Anyway, as I mentioned before, Brenda had a lovely shower and she got beautiful gifts. Brenda's sister and I were able to help her put on the new bedding and to start to organize some of the gifts. It felt so great to be doing something to get ready for a baby even if I am still waiting for mine. I can't wait for her baby and mine to buddies. We've been a part of all of the big life events in each others lives and it's thrilling to think our kiddos will grow up together.
There were some referrals today from my agency and based on the length of times those families waited, I think I should be hearing something in the next month or two. The wait in the last couple of weeks has been excruciating but I just have to keep on keeping on.