My nephew Nate has been visiting for the past week. Anyone who has known me for more than a minute knows that Nate was my "first punkin baby". He is my first nephew and my first godson. (Disclaimer: I love all the little one's in my life exactly the same but he was the first so he's getting a little extra love here today). Nate is 12 and when he was born and I held him for the first time and his tiny little body snuggled into the crook of my neck, I knew that I was destined to be a mommy. As I look at him now it's hard to believe that this 5 foot 5 inch giant boy was that same tiny baby. But he's just as delightful today as he was then.
The other night Nate and I were watching the Red Sox game and we were talking about me becoming a mom. I asked him if it would be weird for him to see me as a mom. He said, "not weird, but I've had you to myself for 12 years so it will take a little getting used to. But you're just like my mom, so I know you'll be a really great mommy." I love that boy. Not just because he thinks I'll be a good mommy, which of course I appreciate, but because he's allowed me to practice on him all these years without even knowing it. If my punkin turns out half as good as him, I will consider my parenting to have been very successful. Whoever the "Nate" is in your life, be sure to give them an extra hug today. You're life is so much richer because of them.