OK, technically it's tomorrow but I doubt I will have time to write a post tomorrow so I am doing it tonight. I can't believe it but tomorrow my baby girl will turn one. In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday that I was boarding a plane to pick her up and in other ways, I can't remember what it was like before I had her. Every day she does something new and exciting and you can just see her brain churning. She continues to be a delightful, smart and happy baby and the very best thing that has ever happened to me. Motherhood has given a richness and a calmness to my life that I can't quite explain but I relish none the less.
Unfortunately, tomorrow is a busy day at work for me so I can't take the day off to spend with her but we will celebrate when I get home home with Birthday cupcakes and Spaghetti and meatballs. Yes, you read that correctly. I gave her a meatball on Thursday night and she loved it. She has been eating table food all weekend which included hot dog, turkey, mashed potato's, turkey sausage and eggs. I guess that she has just been waiting for the table food. She's eaten more than I could have hoped for this soon in the game. Turns out that she also really likes birthday cake. We went to the American Girl Doll Store on Saturday to celebrate my niece Meghan's birthday and I gave her a taste of the cake and she could not get enough of it.
Saturday we will have her birthday party and I'm really excited though I don't feel quite prepared but I'm sure I will figure it out. Until then, I'm just going to enjoy spending the day with my one year old!