I got a measurement update yesterday on Gracie. She has gained almost a pound and has grown a little over an inch in a month. The international pediatrician thinks her measurements look pretty good. The weight is low but that's sort of expected and I know we'll catch her up in no time.
No word on travel yet but I did hear from my agency today that all my CIS updates have been received by the Ethiopian Embassy. That's great news because if you're updated information(finger prints and I600A) are not received by the embassy prior to travel you'll have some issues that could delay your travel. I'm relieved to have that out of the way. I should be receiving our Ethiopian Visa's any day now.
I know I talk about this a lot, but I am really just blown away by the love and support that has been coming my way. I never doubted that Gracie would be adored and accepted but the trouble everyone is going to for us leaves me speechless. In October my parents and sisters are throwing me a baby shower. I know the when and the where but nothing else. Knowing my family, it's going to be absolutely awesome. I have waited so long for a baby and there were definitely times when I just thought it was never going to happen. So to be at a point where we're a little over two weeks away from celebrating Grace's arrival is surreal to me. I know that people are really happy for me and excited about Grace, but I guess I never expected people to go out of their way for us. It's such a happy time in my life and I feel so lucky to have such amazing people to share it with. When I made the invitation list I put on the people I am close to and would love to have there fully expecting that not everyone would be able to come, especially those out of town. But to my surprise, I have several friends and my older sister coming in from out of town and another dear friend trying to make it. You might think wow, that's a lot of effort for a baby shower, and hey, I wouldn't disagree with you. But for me, it's so much more than a baby shower. It's a chance to share one of the happiest events in my life with the people that mean so much to me and will become so important to Grace.
I am not a very good sleeper. I haven't been since I was a baby. I think it's because I'm a worrier and at night, I often have so many things that I'm thinking of that it's hard to sleep. Last night I was thinking about all the blessings in my life and I remembered an old Bing Crosby song that's a favorite of mine. It's called Counting My Blessings and I just love the lyrics:
When I'm worried and I can't sleep
I count my blessings instead of sheep
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
When my bankroll is getting small
I think of when I had none at all
And I fall asleep counting my blessings
I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads
And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds
If you're worried and you can't sleep
Just count your blessings instead of sheep
And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings
And that's exactly what I did. I fell asleep thinking about all the good things and good people in my life and the extraordinary journey I'm about to take to my punkin. And I did fall asleep, counting my blessings.