Do you know what you get to do after 6 months of paperwork and almost 10 months of being on the official wait list? More paperwork. Yup, since it's been a year since my homestudy it now has to be updated. So that means, another CORI check to make sure I'm still not a criminal,another doctors letter, basic information updates and in May I get to be re-finger printed. The silver lining is that if I were in the china program, I would likely have to update my information 4 times(yes, that's 4 years worth) before I would have seen a referal. So I guess I can put on my big girl panties and suck it up. Actually, it was a lot easier than the original home study and other than the doctors letter and the fingerprinting which I can't do until May, everything else is filled out and mailed in. It did feel good to be doing something proactive towards the adoption since I feel like most of what I do is just sitting around waiting.
So as we continue to talk about the baby, Meghan decided it was time to write a list of what I will need. Her list has sippy cups,(She's OBSESSED with talking about sippy cups. I only have two so far and it's making her crazy. I have the two because she talked incessantly about me not having any that I went out and bought two so she'd stop talking about it) toys, bibs and clothes. I told her we needed to add a baby bath tub since I don't have a bathtub in my house. She looked at me and said OK, but you'll have to go to Lowe's to buy a bathtub because Babies R Us doesn't have bath tubs. They just have baby stuff. I laughed and explained that I wasn't buying a real bath tub. I was talking about a small plastic tub for a baby. She gave me that Meghan look of hers and said, well, that sounds like a lot of trouble, I'd just wash him in the sink. It sounds easier. She's too funny.
Some days it seems like the wait is overwhelming and then other days I wake up and think hey, I better start looking into travel shots or I really have to sit down with HR and talk about my maternity leave. Sometimes it feels like it will never happen and other days it feels like, oh, it's about to happen. It's a crazy ride.