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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's Signs!!

Welcome to Month Number Seven of Waiting for My Punkin to Come. In all honesty, I feel pretty good so far this month. I feel optimistic with the new year beginning and am hopeful that I'm getting closer to getting a referral. I still don't have a time frame but if I were a betting woman, I would expect something around May, but man, I would love to see it happen earlier.

So in December I went to see Harry Connick Jr. at the Colonial Theatre. He was fantastic. He played a mixture of Christmas Music and Blues. He's unbelievably entertaining. Anyway, before the show Kate and I went to dinner at PF Chang (so yummy!). Anyway, after the meal, I got my fortune cookie. Now, I don't usually pay much attention to fortune cookies but this one caught my attention. It said, "You will get what your heart desires". That piqued my interest. On the back of the fortune was a word written both in English and Chinese. What was the word you ask? Come on.... think, think, think!! Give up? It was Pumpkin. Now if that isn't a sign, then I don't know what is. I mean, what are the chances of THAT word being written on the back of THAT fortune? To me, it was another reminder that I just have to keep plowing through what feels like an endless wait. It will happen.

So what am I doing to pass the wait? I'm buying children books. I bought Baby Flaherty the Polar Express Book for Christmas. I can't wait for next year when we're sitting in the living room reading it together and celebrating our first Christmas as a family of two! I'm also reading books about parenting, parenting a child of another race and of another culture. And then I'll continue reading about Ethiopia and learning as much as I possibly can. American Idol also starts tonight (God Bless America!) so that will help pass the time. At least I can sing with the show (or cringe depending on the contestant) while I'm waiting for my Punkin to come.

1 comment:

  1. Beth! I'm so glad you came out of hiding and left me a comment on my blog. I love that you work at Harvard! How awesome is that! I'll be praying your little pumpkin comes home soon. And thanks for visiting my blog!
