Today we had our first attempt at decorating Easter eggs. I'm embarrassed to say that at my age, which is quickly approaching 40, I had never boiled an egg. So I did what any self respecting woman did. I googled it. So I boiled the eggs and I set up the bowls of egg dye and I was feeling pretty spiffy. I was so on top of this egg decorating thing that I even had the forethought to put aprons on Gracie and I. We were ready. We were having fun. And then the next thing I know, Gracie spills the bowls and she is literally up to her elbows in Easter egg dye, my table is covered through the was paper I covered it with and the floor is drenched. In the midst of all this mess Graice looks at me and says, "Mumma, look dis, Gacie's home is big mess!" And I just started laughing. I mean, what else could you do. We finished the last egg with the little bit of dye that was left and then I threw her in the bath. I'm happy to report that the dye is quickly fading on she and I and believe it or not, it came off her pink shirt with the white sleeves (Thank you makers of oxyclean). The floor cleaned up pretty quickly but I've already washed the table four times and there continues to be yellow dye coming up. Hey, if that's my worst problem in life, I'll take it. Gracie was very proud of her eggs and she had fun which is the important part.
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