Two years ago today Grace and I landed at Logan Airport as a family of two. It was one of my best days ever. After years of and waiting and agonizing, my dream of being a mother finally came true. Now truth be told, it's not always easy. The terrible two's have been terrible. The tantrum's seem to be subsiding now that her language has exploded but I'm hoping the three's bring a new calmness to our lives. We've had our ups and downs but the ups outweigh the downs by leaps and bounds. She's an amazing child. She is smart and observant and rarely misses a thing. She's a little shy and it takes her awhile to warm up but she is loving and affectionate and funny. Her newest thing is to tell knock knock jokes. Of course, all the punch lines these days seem to be " you have a potato in your head" so I think we'll have to hold off on the comedy tour for awhile. She has just amazed me at how resilient and loving and strong and sassy and stubborn she is. I can never seem to come up with adequate words to express how much I love her and how lucky I feel to be her mother.
It's amazing to look back and see the difference in two just two years. My baby is no longer a baby. She is 100% little girl.
Our family day falls on Monday and I can't take the day off so we will spend the evening eating Spaghetti, garlic bread, broccoli and the special Christmas cupcakes we picked out at the bakery. We will also have our gift tradition of two ornaments and one of the gifts I brought back from Ethiopia. Sounds like the perfect way to end a day.
December 2009 |
December 2010 |
December 2011 |
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