Today I took Gracie to have her hair trimmed. Last week she went with me to have my hair cut. When I told her last night that we were going today to have hers cut she said "Hair cuts don't hurt". If only she thought of that when I had her hair braided last summer and she howled like I was having her scalp cut off and that was before the stylist touched her head. She can be dramatic but I can see that the drama is starting to settle down with age. When she had her hair cut in September she was certainly better than the hair braiding trauma of 2011. She was nervous and clingy and sat in my lap but she didn't cry. But today was totally different. We walked into the salon and she took off her coat and waited for her turn. When they called us over she walked right to the lady and and I lifted her up and she sat on a booster seat. It was like she did this everyday. No screaming, no squirming, just occasionally glancing over to make sure I was still there. I'm always fascinated when she has her hair cut. First of all, they said she probably only needs a trim every 5-6 months. It really only needs to be trimmed when the ends get really hard to comb through. And they cut it dry which actually makes since because they need to worry a lot about the shape since it's so curly. They didn't take off nearly as much this time but the curls have really snapped back into shape. She was very pleased with her hair cut and when we finished she said "You so proud of me mom! I didn't cry! I super great girl!" She was really delighted with herself and so was I.
About two weeks before the hair cut |
Tonight after the haircut and a bath |
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