Well, we've been busy around these parts lately. Last week we got a new car. Well, new for us. My 2001 Camry had served us well, but it was tired. About a year ago I was having a lot of trouble with it stalling and the engine light had to be checked 5 separate times. Whatever they did the last time fixed it for close to a year and I was hoping to get another year at least out of it but two weeks ago it started stalling again and then the oil light decided to make an appearance. I figured that if I waited much longer I would run the risk of getting next to nothing for it in a trade. So last week I bit the bullet and did my research, figured out what we could afford and pulled the trigger. We got a dark gray 2009 corolla with far less miles and a warranty which makes me feel better. We love it so far. Every time we go to the car Gracie asks me if we're going in our new car. And every time she tells me how much she loves our new car. It's such a relief not be worried about the car and I hope we'll be able to do some road trips at some point.
Yesterday we had Gracie's 3 year appointment and she is doing great. The best part is that she did not cry one bit. She got weighed without an issue. She let the doctor do the check up and she even gave her a high five. There were no shots but we had to do a finger prick for the lead test. When we went to the lab the technician recognized us and whispered to her co-worker "we need to close the door because this little one is a screamer". Clearly our reputation proceeds us. However, there was not a single cry or scream or an ounce of unpleasantness. She was pleased to pick out a Dora band aid and admired it the whole way home. What a difference from last year. She is super healthy and they are pleased with her progress.
We started potty training again. I initially started it about 6 months ago but she wasn't ready and truthfully, neither was I. She is ready now in the sense that she can go for long periods without wetting her diaper and she knows when she's about to go in her diaper. But she has been resistant to going on the potty. In fact, I put her in underwear on Monday morning and she held it until 3:30 in the afternoon. No Joke. My sister kept trying to get her to sit on the potty and she flat out refused. By 3:30 she could barely stand up she had to go so bad so she picked her up and put her on the potty. She tried to fight her for a second but as soon as she sat on the potty she went. Her potty sings a little song when she goes which startled her and then she said "I go potty! I did it! My mom be soo happy!! I not gonna do it again! Tuesday she decided she would just prefer to wet her pants all day but by yesterday she started to come around and today was much better with less of a fight. So while I think we're still a ways away, we're starting to get on the right track.
I am sad to report that in order to make the car payment fit into the budget, I had to give up the house cleaners. It was really sad to make that call to cancel but let's face it. It was a luxury but it was worth every penny. It really allowed Gracie and I to have the extra time we needed. I have tried to break down the cleaning into smaller chunks and just do a little bit every other night and so far it's been manageable, but yup, I miss it. There's nothing like coming home to a clean house that you didn't have to clean.
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