Today Gracie woke up and the first thing she said was "Mom, today I go to my dancing class?" She has been asking me that question for weeks and today I finally gave her the answer she was longing to hear. Today was the day. She was up at seven and we had breakfast and then every 5 minutes she asked me if it was time to go. Class wasn't until 10:00. She kept asking me when I was doing her hair, which she NEVER wants me to do. I gave in at 8:00. "Mom, I really need my hair in a dancing bun please." How could I refuse? So a dancing bun it was. We were done in record time. I didn't want to dress her in her leotard yet because I wanted it to still be clean by the time we got there. By 8:45 she was losing her mind, pleading, crying, begging me to just "take me to my dancing place. They be open and I can go in". I told her if we leave now we'll have to sit in the parking lot for a long time. She contemplated but eventually decided that she wasn't crazy about that option. She pulled it together and by 9:10 we started to get ready. She oooohhhh'd over her brand new pink tights she never got to wear before. She counted the little rhinestones on her leotard. She begrudgingly allowed me to put a skirt over it and her sandals on. When it was time to leave she proudly picked up her dance bag and we raced out to the car. She told me how she was going to listen to her teacher and how she was going to do everything she was told.
We pulled into the parking lot at the dance studio and she squealed with delight. She walked right in the door with her back straight, her head held high and her purple dance bag on her shoulder. We were welcomed and told to change her into her white tap shoes. The second the shoes were on she started twirling in the lobby. Everyone was smiling at her. Happiness just oozed out of her. When it was time the teacher of her section called each girls name and asked them to bring their dance bag and stand in line. She looked back at me, flashed a huge smile, waved at me and marched right into the dance studio. Parents aren't allowed in the actual room but are encouraged to stay in the waiting room, at least for the first couple of sessions just in case the child gets scared. I really didn't know what to do with myself. I mean, 45 minutes of just sitting there is rare for me. I had a book with me but I was a little antsy. About half way through I heard another parent say that while the blinds were down on the studio window and door, you could peak through the door a bit and see what they were doing. I got up and looked and there was Gracie with her eyes dead set on the teacher, her hands on her hips and her right toe extended and tapping away, just like the teacher was doing. She looked determined and serious but you could tell she loved every second of it. When the class ended all the girls spilled out into the small waiting room filled with the girls waiting for the next class. Before I could even see her I heard her little voice say, "Mom, that was sooooooo fun!!!!!!!" Everyone in the waiting room laughed. We changed her out of her ballet shoes and back into her sandals. As she practically floated out of the door she asked for a chocolate milk because "I really worked hard mom. I was a great listener." We went for a celebratory chocolate milk and she told me all about the class. How the teacher had them sit criss cross apple sauce. How she put on dancing music and how they all got a sticker. When she spilled a little milk on her leotard she looked up at me horrified and said "Oh no, Mom, Can we wash my leotard? I need it clean for next time." I assured her we would and it would be perfectly fine. She has continued to talk about it all day and when I put her to bed tonight she said "Mom, I really happy I get to have dancing lessons. It makes me soooo happy."
All dressed and ready to go |
practicing her moves |
her special ballerina move |
finally ready to go !!!!! |
warming up at the dance studio |
adorable. I will think of you when I am watching football games someday...... ;-)
ReplyDeletesounds like so much fun! she's doing great! Odd they don't let parents watch the kids at all. That's where we get all the joy!
ReplyDeleteJennifer, I would probably prefer the football games. I'm so not a dancer but hey, she's so excited that it's infectious.
ReplyDeleteSue it's so great to hear from you! I hope you're all well. They think it distracts the kids if they know there parents are there and it's probably true. They do have a couple of open classes each year so the parents can watch.