Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What A Christmas We Had

We had such a great holiday.  I think the pictures speak much better than my words so enjoy!

Making Cookies

Let me do it mommy!

Auntie Kate and Jacob

Cousin Meggie

Ready for Christmas Eve

I'm ready to go!

Just putting on my mittens

The special books I gave Gracie on Christmas Eve
Cookies for Santa (we had it on good authority that he favors Oreos)
A new baby doll!

Not surprised that the toilet in the doll house is her favorite part of the house.  It's her favorite thing in our real house!

Even Mr. Potato Head needs a ride from time to time

Hey, what's this?

Night Night for Baby

Opening presents with Cousins


Gracie shaking her "Raca's"

Jake loves his pillow pet from Gracie

Another cousin happy with her pillow pet

Gracie and her loot

Christmas Day

Baby's Eyes

Wow this is a lot of stuff!

Today Gracie brought me this gift bag and told me it was her back pack.  She insisted I put it on her and she wore it all afternoon

Loving her "back pack"

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Where Does The TIme Go

It feels like I just finished writing a post but as it turns out, it's been two weeks.  Things with us are busy but good.  I can't remember a Christmas season that I have enjoyed more or embraced more enthusiastically than this one.  I decided that every weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas we would do at least on christmasy thing and I am happy to report that I met my goal.  It began with Thanksgiving weekend when we went to a Christmas tree festival put on in a local town with proceeds going to the town's historical society.  It was held inside an office park and there were hundreds of trees decorated by local businesses and schools and each had a different theme and you could buy raffle tickets to try to win one.  Sadly, we didn't win but it was an awful lot of fun.  The second weekend we went with my parents to the enchanted village.  When I was a kid one of the department stores in Boston had this set up every year and it was a must see for our family.  The department store got sold and eventually the display was sold to the city of Boston but they stopped displaying it due to budget cuts.  Last year a large furniture chain in our area bought it and refurbished it and it brought back so many happy memories.  The best part is that it was free.  They also had fake snow that sprayed every few minutes and that was by far Grace's favorite part.  Weekend three was going to our local zoo for their annual Christmas lights display.  The culmination of our holiday weekend frivolities was yesterday.  Family friends live in a town that has a small Christmas parade.  It's mostly fire trucks and large trucks with Christmas lights on them but they throw candies and beads for the kids to pick up.  Grace LOVED this.  She kept waving to all the trucks and was yelling and laughing.  It was so much fun to watch her. 

So I'm happy to report that all my Christmas shopping is done, packages are wrapped and boxes that needed to be shipped were mailed.  I'm on a roll.  After Wednesday I will be off until January 3rd and I am REALLY looking forward to the extra time with Grace.  We have some fun visits with family and friends planned but we also have lots of down time which I know we both can use. 

I am really looking forward to Christmas.  Last year we were both in a bit of a fog as we had only been home a couple of weeks.  Last year Grace was only 8 months old and she liked the wrapping paper better than the presents.  I'm hoping that this year she'll be a little more interested in the presents.  Can't wait to see what Santa brings her but rest assured that there will be pictures.  I had been having camera problems as my camera decided that the batteries should be changed after every 30 pictures.  As luck would have it, my brother-in-law won a new camera at his work Christmas party and since they didn't need it, they gave it to me.  Yes, I'm lucky and yes, he is very generous. 

I can't help but feel especially grateful this time of year for all that I do have.  I can often get caught up in the things that don't go smoothly in life but when it comes down to it I am blessed.  Blessed to have two amazing sisters who are my very best friends and who are two of the best mothers I have ever come across.  Blessed to have the sweetest nieces and nephews who I love like my own children.  Blessed to have had a wonderful mother who ingrained so many things in me and taught me lessons that I didn't know were lessons at the time.  I miss her every day but am grateful for the time I had with  her.  Blessed to have my daddy and my step-mom Judi.  Such great supports and fabulous grandparents who Grace adores.  Blessed to have two of the best brother-in-laws that a gal could ask for.  Either one of them would drop anything for Grace and I if we needed them.  Blessed to have a family of friends that have embraced Grace and I and have loved us with everything they have.  And we love them the same way.  Blessed to have a comfortable little home and enough to cover our needs and a little of our wants.  Blessed to be the mother of the delightful little girl who sleeps in the bedroom next to mine.  She greets me every morning with a smile that says, hey mommy, glad to see you, I've been waiting to see you! I am so lucky to have her in my life and so lucky to have her to love. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

One Year Ago Today,,,,,,,,,,,,

We landed in the US as a family of two.  We had a very rough trip home as I was sick almost the whole trip and my sister half of it.  I remember at one point being so angry at myself for getting sick and thinking for sure that I was ruining her homecoming as someone was going to have to drive to Dulles to pick us up.  As it turned out, by the time we landed in Dulles Kate and I rebounded a bit and were beginning to feel better.  Kate was able to eat and I was able to keep gingerale down so we were making progress.  I remember feeling so relieved that we made it home and so excited for her to meet the family that had been waiting for her for so long.  We had a couple of hours layover and while we waited I changed her into the special "homecoming" outfit I had painstakingly purchased a few weeks before.  It was so hard to believe that this was all real and that I was actually finally bringing my baby home after all this time.  I was so thrilled when we boarded the plane from Dulles to Boston.  I was practically counting the moments until we got to Boston.  And then we sat on the tarmac.  For four hours.  Dulles had a snow storm they weren't expecting and weren't prepared for.  I wasn't really sure who would be meeting us at the airport but I figured the group would probably be tiny since we were so late.  But I also remember thinking that it was OK as long as my dad was there.  He had a stroke the Sunday before we left and while I knew he was OK before we got on the plane to Addis, it still put fear in me.  When I had heard he had a stroke, and before we knew that he would be fine, I thought, really, I have to trade my father for my child?  I was so scared he would never get to meet her in person.  The day before we left for Addis he told me that he would be at the airport in a stretcher if need be.  There was no way that Grace was coming off the airplane without her grandfather being there to greet her.  Once we finally landed in Boston we got off the plane and I took a moment to compose myself and to fix Grace's outfit and then we headed for the escalator.  Her poor little heart was pounding as everything was so new to her.  I was holding her for dear life as we stepped on the escalator.  As we came down there was my dad and my step mom and the rest of our family waiting at the bottom of the stairs as promised. 

Seeing my dad standing there and looking so good and then showing him my daughter for the very first time is among the proudest moments of my life.  As I write this I'm tearing up remembering the moment.  Apparently United didn't do a stellar job keeping their flight information up to date so everyone came to the airport expecting us to land at 2:00 and then sat a round until we landed at 6:00.  They all waited until we arrived, except for my friend Cyn who came from NH in the middle of a snow storm and needed to head back so she didn't get stuck.  It was such an amazing feeling to see everyone waiting for us.  I cherish those memories and the pictures and people. You know when someone has a baby and everyone rushes up to the hospital to see the new baby?  Well, for my family, the hospital was an airport but the desire to meet and love that child was no different than if I had given birth to her.  And in fact, it was like a birth to me as it was the birth of my family of two.

This has been the most amazing year of my life.  It's definitely had it's share of ups and downs but the one constant has been the bond between Grace and I.  She is very much my child and I am very much her mommy.  That has been clear to both of us since the day we met.  We connected easily and quickly and that was surprising to me. Not that I bonded to her but because she did to me so fast.  We have our challenges and yes, she is quickly acting like an almost two year old, complete with temper tantrums, but things have gone so much smoother than I expected.  I guess for once my prepare for the worst, hope for the best attitude paid off.   My life became complete the moment I held her for the first time.  The ache I had been feeling for years instantly evaporated.  She fit in my arms like she had always been there.  It's not all sunshine and lollipops.  Everything doesn't always go perfectly and sometimes I'm not always sure of what I am doing.  But becoming her mother is the single greatest thing that will ever happen to me.  I wouldn't trade our imperfect, happy little family for anything.

I have seen so many changes in her over the past year.  It's hard to believe she's even the same kid.  I remember that on our second day in Ethiopia I sat her on the floor to see what she could do and she flopped over like a rag doll.  I have to say that I panicked for a moment.  OK, maybe a couple of moments.  But then I quickly remembered all the reading I did and the information from my agency.  Intellectually I knew she would not act like an 8 month old but emotionally, I was still surprised by it.  She was more baby like than I had expected.  And physically she was about the size of a typical 3-4 month old.

These were pictures I took on day two.  I look at them now and think man, she has come so far.  Her coloring is better.  Other than still being on the small side, she has caught up developmentally. She is into everything and is exploring and talking and surprising me every day with what else she has learned.  She doesn't have that vacant look in her eyes any more.  She's mischievous, loving, funny, affectionate, STUBBORN, strong and resilient.  I'm so proud of her.  Every night as I put her to bed I think, I could not possibly love her more than I do at that moment.  And yet, the next day I love her even more.  She's an extraordinary gift.  My dad used to tell us that he and my mom didn't have the kind of jewels one wore.  He said his jewels were his three daughters and therefore, he was the richest guy in the world.  I now understand what he meant because now I have my own jewel.  

With all this joy, there is some sadness.  I've been given this amazing opportunity to guide this little person into becoming a strong, self confident, proud, smart and loving woman,  But my gift comes at someone else's expense.  For Grace, there is the loss of another family and country that she will not know the way she will know me and her American family.  For her family, it's the loss of having her with them day in and day out.  I leave her from 8-6 and I am constantly wondering what I am missing out on with her.  I can't imagine what it must be like for them.  How brave they were to let her go.  How selfless they are to let her have the life they wished for her to have.  It's an honor for me to raise this child.  Our child.  I hope they are pleased with her progress.  I hope they get the updates I send.  I hope they are well.  I wish I could tell them that in person.  I hope one day I will.  

So December 5th will be our official family day.  I have decided to start a tradition of giving her two small gifts.  One will be a Christmas ornament since she came home in December and because she is the greatest gift I will ever receive.  The second will be a present I brought home from Ethiopia.  When I was there I bought a lot of gifts with this intention in mind.  Every year she will get something different.  This years gift will be a ball covered in colorful cloth.  The ornament is an African angel.  Tomorrow will be an especially exciting family day as we are going to have lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant with a couple of the families in our travel group who live locally.   I know that whatever we do, it will be better because we have each other. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


 Today was a great day for Gracie and I.  Today was the day we finalized her adoption in the U.S.  I have to say that while I have been looking forward to the day, I was surprised at how weepy I was when the day started.  I had ironed Grace's dress last night and had everything ready to go.  This morning I was getting her ready and I put on a special necklace that I talked about here.  I was telling her again how special it was since so many amazing women in our family wore it at one time or another.  And as I was telling her I broke into tears.  Gracie kept patting me on the arm and saying Mumma, Mumma.  I started laughing and told her that it was happy tears. 

We had a small group with us at the court house.  My brother-in-law and my niece Meghan and nephew Jake (my sister was devastated that she had a work commitment she couldn't re-schedule), my favorite Aunt Wendy(my favorite Uncle Hank was unexpectedly called away on business), and my dad.  My step-mom has been in the hospital since Saturday and while she was on the mend, she couldn't talk the doctors into letting her out in time, but boy, did she try.  The judge was absolutely wonderful and he really made everyone feel so welcome and included. He talked to me for a few minutes, and then had me sign the paperwork.  Before he signed the decree he asked my niece and nephew to sign it with him because they are great cousins to Gracie and he knows they will help her to be a great person.  They were so proud!  Then we took pictures and the whole thing was over in 20 minutes.  After we left his chambers, I looked at my Aunt Wendy and the tears just fell.  It was nice to share that moment with my aunt since she had also been through the adoption process almost 30 years ago with her children.  We share a lot of bonds but this one is special.  I really feel so lucky to have her in my life. I was surprised by what relief I felt.  It wasn't like I thought the judge wouldn't approve our case, I guess it was just the culmination of a  three year journey to make Grace my daughter. There are no more hoops to jump through.  There are no more visits, no more back ground checks, no more excruciating wait for when I would hear something about a referral.  We can now go on with the business of being a family. 

After the court hearing Aunt Wendy left to get on with her day and the rest of us headed in to see mt step-mom.  She was so disappointed to miss the finalization and really wanted to be there so we did the next best thing.  We brought Grace in and showed her the pictures.  All the kids were thrilled to see Grandma Judi and the best news is that she should be released tomorrow, in time for Thanksgiving. 

After visiting Grandma Judi my dad took us to a nice lunch.  Grace was a little worn out by then so we had a couple time outs at the restaurant but all in all it was a great meal.  At one point, she took my hand, pulled me close to her, rested her head on my arm, snuggled in and said My Mumma and then gave me that million dollar smile of hers.  it made my very full heart burst.  Yes, we have tantrums and screaming and issues just like any family, but it's all worth it to get to this day.  I am blessed,  I am privileged to be the mother to this remarkable girl who makes everything I do in my life worthwhile.  I could not ask for more. 

On this day, I feel especially grateful to her family in Ethiopia who made such a heart wrenching, self-less decision to allow her needs to take precedence over their own.  They are with me every day of my life but more so today.  I hope that when they receive the updates I send that they see that they made the right choice and that I love her as much as they do. 

So here are a few pictures of our day. 

Gracie eating her first tootsie pop.  A gift from the judge.  She was in Heaven!
Mommy signing the papers
Mommy, Gracie and the Judge

Graice and Baseball Honey at lunch

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Sorry the pictures are small but the place we had them done only lets you save the thumbnail version and not the larger version.  But hopefully this gives you a small idea of how adorable her pictures came out.  She was a trooper and aside from wanting to run all around, she did a great job.  I'm very pleased with how they came out. 

We did make it to see Santa and as I predicted she howled when it was time to sit on his lap.  She was fine looking at him before we got in line.  She was fine in line. But when I started to walk towards him she clung to me for dear life and when I tried to put her on his lap she cried to the heavens.  We did end up getting a picture but it was of me sitting next to Santa with her on my lap.  She isn't crying in the picture so that was good. I wasn't expecting to have a family picture taken but all things considered, it came out OK.  Sorry, I don't have a scanner so I can't post it.  Can I just say that the pictures cost a small fortune.  I got 1 5x7 and four wallets and it was $27.99.  Highway robbery! But I have to say we have the best looking Santa I have ever seen.  Glad to know that they send the real one to Massachusetts.