Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Three Years

Three years ago today we landed in Boston as a family of two. Though I had prepared as much as I  could, I really had no idea what I was in for.  I had no idea how completely and quickly I could fall in love with this little person.  This year has been filled with a lot of challenges.  We finally made it through the terrible two's (and man, they really were terrible), and while I think the three's are easier in a lot of ways, it came with it's own challenges.  I remember thinking that when I chose to adopt an infant that in many ways it might be easier emotionally because they wouldn't have the same memories an older child would.  I certainly did not expect everything to be filled with sunshine and lollipops.  I knew there would be challenges and very hard times but I seriously underestimated the level of grief she would be feeling as such a young age.  It's been a challenge to work through but we have sought out and received amazing help and support. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail because these are really her stories to share if and when she wants to but  I'm really in awe of how hard she is working to figure out and feel her emotions.  She's incredibly brave and there is not a moment that goes by that I don't thank my lucky stars that I get to be her momma.  I'm proud of the little family we have created for ourselves and I am grateful for our Ethiopian family who entrusted me to raise her.  I never forget what they had to give up in order for me to have the privilege of raising her.

Today we celebrated our three years of being a family by going to visit a local Audubon society farm and having dinner with Auntie, Uncle and cousins at Gracie's favorite Italian restaurant.  They have great Italian bread and if we sit for more than a minute without someone bringing us bread Gracie starts asking every server passing by for it. Gracie also received two gifts from Mommy.  One is always a a black Christmas angel and and the other is a gift I brought back from Ethiopia.  This year it was a yellow fabric pencil case with a acacia tree and a hut that looks like the houses in Gracie's village.  She was really excited.

So yes, things can get hard but this amazing, smart, funny, stubborn, opinionated, loving and sparkling girl is worth it.  I am so grateful for her.

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of our trip to the farm.

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